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Joseph Tan

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About me

Hey, I'm Joseph!

I'm a recent high school graduate with a passion for building and creating things. I love working collaboratively with others and have gained a lot of experience through various group projects with my friends.

Whether it's programming, web design, game development or music production, I always strive to challenge myself and see what I'm capable of. I'm constantly looking for new ways to learn and grow, and I believe that each new project is an opportunity to do just that.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring new hobbies and interests, spending time with my loved ones, and pursuing my creative endeavors. I'm always up for trying something new and exciting!

If you're interested in collaborating on a project or just want to chat, feel free to reach out. I'd love to hear from you!

My Technology Toolkit

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FL Studio 20

Since 2018, I've built a strong foundation in web development, focusing on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I've developed an intermediate level of expertise over time, creating dynamic and engaging web pages.

I'm constantly learning and staying updated with the latest trends, particularly in CSS, where I experiment with diverse styles and layouts for visually appealing and responsive websites.

Game development is another area where I have honed my skills. I have been using Unity alongside with C# since 2021 to bring captivating gaming experiences to life. I designed many games and joined game jams, with many experience with implementing physics and audio.

Feel free to contact me if you want to collaborate in a project!


Watch My Nucleus

Using Unity as the game engine and C# as the primary programming language, my team and I were able to create Watch my Nucleus in just 72 hours for the Ludum Dare 49 Game Jam. As the developer, I also composed the game's music using FL Studio 20.

Despite the tight time frame, we were able to produce a physics simulation game that performed well and was well received by players. With 2939 game submissions, Watch my Nucleus was able to secure an outstanding placement of 61st place in the "Theme" category and 178th place in the "Audio" category.

Mask Throw

As the creator of Mask Throw, I had the opportunity to work alongside a friend to bring this simple 2D puzzle game to life. I took on the responsibility of designing and implementing the game mechanics and physics, ensuring that the player would have a fun and engaging experience while playing.

In addition, I had the pleasure of crafting the game's music and sound effects, which played a vital role in creating the game's overall atmosphere and mood. It was an exciting and rewarding experience to see our hard work come together in the final product.

LaTeX Notes

As a student, I frequently take notes, but I prefer to enhance them using LaTeX for improved aesthetics and better revision outcomes. Over the past three years, I have honed my skills in creating visually appealing and well-organized LaTeX documents. As a result, I have become a go-to resource for others seeking to create impressive LaTeX PDFs for their revision notes.

A* Pathfinding Algorithm Visualization

I had the opportunity to work on an A* Pathfinding Visualization project using p5js for graphics and JavaScript for implementing the algorithm. While the project was challenging, the most significant difficulty I encountered was combining the algorithm and graphics to create the desired visualization effect. However, after experimenting with different techniques and approaches, I was able to achieve the desired result, which made the project a success.

Music Projects

In my experience as a musician, I have had the opportunity to work on numerous music projects, with a focus on game music. When creating game music, I take a tailored approach to match the specific needs and requirements of different game types and genres.

As a result, I have developed a diverse range of music composition skills, which allow me to create music in different styles, including orchestral, electronic, and ambient. Moreover, I enjoy exploring new methods to create music sets that share a common motive, enhancing the overall mood and atmosphere of the game.

"Hosef" YouTube Channel

As a passionate Tetris player, I decided to create a YouTube channel under the name "Hosef" to share my knowledge and skills in perfect clearing, one of the most challenging techniques in Tetris.

Through my channel, I offer educational content that aims to teach the art of perfect clearing in Tetris, and I take pride in helping players improve their Tetris skills. I am delighted to have gained a combined view count of 60423, with my most popular video garnering 36068 views.

Contact me!

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